Full Calibration

The Calibration screen for the Full Calibration menu option is identical in function and layout to the User Calibration’s Calibration screen.  The only difference is the Full Calibration’s Calibration screen contains more screens.  The user calibration will calibrate the following items:

Cold Junction

Zero/Span Input 0 (Input 1)/All 4 Ranges

Zero/Span Input 1 (Input 2)/All 4 Ranges

Zero/Span Input 2 (Input 3)/All 4 Ranges

Zero/Span Input 1 Range Jumper

Zero/Span Input 2 Range Jumper

Zero/Span Input 3 Range Jumper

Zero/Span Output 1

Zero/Span Output 2


Note – On the zero/span input screens, the range listed next to the input will depend on the input type set up in the Analog Input Setup menu option.


The Calibration screen for the Full Calibration menu option also has a Set Nominal button, which will set nominal values for the current screen.  The user will have to confirm the action.


Clicking on the Yes button will set the nominal values, and clicking on the No button will cancel the action.

Click the Done button to close the screen down.